Pine Avenue School (former Woodrow Wilson High School). 1922.

301 Pine Ave, Waynesboro, VA 22980

Two-story Classical Revival school building of stretcher brick construction with a metal-sheathed hip roof. The southeast-facing front elevation, which is on an axis with Eleventh Street, is distinguished by monumental wooden Doric columns in antis. Above the columns are a stucco frieze and a pediment with a lunette in the stuccoed tympanum; behind them are a window wall; and between them is an entry with a pedimented surround on replacement classical columns. The rear wing has first-story and basement levels and a boiler flue with corbelling and other decorative projecting brickwork. The front section has modern 8/8/8 windows; the rear wing retains its historic 8/12 windows. A concrete retaining wall extends in front of the school and a parking lot is located to the south side. A concrete-block high school was built on this elevated section of Pine Avenue in 1906; followed by a brick replacement in 1912 and then the present building in 1922 (the earlier facilities have been torn down). Presently Waynesboro Public Schools Administrative Offices. (Bowman, Waynesboro Days of Yore, vol. 1, pp. 127,177; voL 2, pp. 111-112)

National Register of Historic Places Nomination Form 2/4/02