Harry S. Brooks House. Ca. 1900-1920s

368 Chestnut Ave, Waynesboro, VA 22980

Two-story stucco frame Victorian house with a Tudor Revival remodeling from the 1920s. The house has an asphalt-shingled gable roof with a two-story gabled front wing. The one-story front porch has stuccoed Doric columns. Other features include an interior brick flue, false half-timbering in the second-story front, unusual 1/1 windows singly and in pairs with decorative upper sash, a one-story rear wing, and a one-story back porch with jalousie windows. Contractor Harry Brooks owned this house in the 1930s; it was probably Brooks who did the remodeling. The Bell-Jones House at 765 Pine has a similar Tudor Revival remodeling. (James K. Wright)

Garage. Late 1920s. One-story frame garage of stuccoed tile-block construction with a metal-sheathed gable roof and a wood panel door.

National Register of Historic Places Nomination Form 2/4/02