One-and-a-half-story, single-family dwelling of vinyl-sided frame construction with a single-leaf door, 4/1 and 3/1 double-hung wood sash, an asphalt-shingled gable roof, and a brick flue laid in stretcher bond. Two gabled dormers occupy the front roof plane. Additions include a one-story shed-roofed wing on one end, and full-length shed dormer across the back elevation.
Shed. Ca. 1940. One-story, frame shed with standing-seam-metal shed roof, cross-braced door, 6/6 sash, and shed extension. Shares a common wall with shed-roofed shed for adjoining property (see 461 Locust Ave.), giving the appearance of a single front-gabled garage.
National Register of Historic Places Nomination Form 2/4/02