Two-story Colonial Revival house of stretcher brick-veneer frame construction with an asphalt-shingled gable roof with front and rear pedimented dormers with brick sides. The one-story entry porch has classical wood columns and a pedimented gable. A screen porch on the north gable end is similar in detail. Other features include a poured-concrete foundation, exterior brick chimneys on the gable ends, a one-story sunroom on the south gable end with casement windows topped by transoms, a front entry with transom, sidelights and decorative surround, 8/1 windows and three-part windows on the front first-story elevation, and a one-story rear wing with an engaged porch. Harper, owner of a farm equipment company and a town postmaster, probably hired Harry Brooks to build his house. (Charles K. Yancey II)
Garage. 1924. One-story garage of stretcher brick-veneer frame construction with an asphalt-shingled gable roof, a poured-concrete foundation, and 6/6 windows.
National Register of Historic Places Nomination Form 2/4/02