Frank Pleasants House. Ca. 1900

537 Chestnut Ave, Waynesboro, VA 22980

Two-story frame Victorian house with asbestos-shingle siding and a metal-sheathed gable roof with a decorative front gable. The two-tier front porch has turned posts, sawn brackets, and rectangular-section balusters on the first tier and a glassed-in second tier sleeping porch on the center bay only with turned posts and sawn brackets. Other features include a parged foundation, a brick interior chimney, a peaked louvered gable vent, 2/2 windows, a one-story bay window on the south side, and a two-story ell and one-story glassed-in back porch.

Swimming pool (above ground). Late 20th c.

National Register of Historic Places Nomination Form 2/4/02