Two-story frame Victorian house with weatherboard siding and a metal-sheathed hip-and-gable roof with rectangular louvered gable vents. The one-story front porch has classical wood columns, turned balusters, and a curved end. Other features include a foundation with rough stucco finish, an interior brick flue, a front entry with transom flanked by a diamond-shaped window, a two-tier side porch with a sunroom on the lower tier and a sleeping porch on the upper tier, 1/1 and 8/8 windows, and a two-story ell and one-story back screen porch. A Mr. Keiser is thought to have built this house. Later occupants included a Mr. Ely and (in 1935, after the house had been made into a duplex) Mrs. C. Marks and Albert J. Mehler. 1910s (S).
Garage. One-story frame with weatherboard siding, a metal-sheathed gable roof, a poured-concrete foundation, 6/6 windows, and probably a workshop section.
National Register of Historic Places Nomination Form 2/4/02