Nelson and Virginia Bell House. 1910s
620 14th St, Waynesboro, VA 22980
Two-story frame Foursquare-form house with asbestos-shingle siding and an asphalt-shingle hip roof with a hipped dormer containing windows and vents. The one-story wraparound porch has classical wood columns and square-section balusters. Other features include a poured-concrete foundation, an interior brick chimney, an original front entry with sidelights and a later secondary entrance next to it, and 1/1 windows. A poured-concrete retaining wall extends across the front of the lot. The house has been converted into two apartments. Dr. Nelson Bell and his wife Virginia, parents-in-law of the Rev. Billy Graham, formerly lived in the house. In 1935 the house and an apartment were occupied by Mrs. J. K. Jones and T. N. Taylor. (James K. Wright)
National Register of Historic Places Nomination Form 2/4/02