Virgil and Ruth Mover House. 1902; late 1920s
660 Chestnut Ave, Waynesboro, VA 22980
"Two-story frame Victorian house with novelty vinyl siding and a metal-sheathed gable roof. The one-story front porch has turned posts and balusters and sawn brackets and fringe. Other features include a brick foundation and interior flue, a polygonal front entry vestibule, modern 1/1 windows, and a modern two-tier back porch. In 1902 Charles H. Lovegrove, a carpenter then living in Stuarts Draft, purchased several lots on Chestnut Ave. and erected this house next to his own residence (see 668 Chestnut). Plumbing and heating contractor Virgil A. Moyer later acquired it. Mover, who moved to Waynesboro from Luray in 1905, made several changes to the property in the 1920s, adding a two-story rear addition to the house, pouring a concrete kiddie pool which became the foundation of a smokehouse about 1940, and constructing a large workshop on the alley behind the house in 1929 (see below). Moyer's wife Ruth served as her husband's office manager and accountant in addition to raising the couple's eleven children. To help Ruth with her household duties Virgil installed an automatic dishwasher in the 1920s and a built-in vacuum system in the 1930s (both gone). (Joseph Moyer)
Waynesboro Heating & Plumbing Co. 1929. One-story stretcher-brick building with parapet shed roof (originally composition roofing; rubber membrane added in 2000) and a basement garage level at south end. Other features include a roof-top sign dating to 1929, steel-frame industrial-type windows, and matchboard garage doors. The interior has exposed wood ceiling joists arid brick walls, concrete floors, wood shelves, a northeast corner office with plain matchboard wainscot, a southeast corner ""brass room"" for brass fittings, and a pair of metal tracks used to wheel radiators into the building. Contractor Harry Brooks built the shop for Virgil Moyer, who was Waynesboro's principal plumbing and heating contractor until his death in 1955. (Joseph Moyer)
Smokehouse. Early 1920s; ca. 1940. One-story frame with weatherboard siding and an asphalt-shingle hip roof with a louvered wooden ventilator at its peak. The square concrete foundation originally served as a kiddie pool for Virgil and Ruth Moyer's children. About 1940 the Moyeri added the frame smokehouse superstructure. (Joseph Moyer)
Grape arbor (metal frame). Ca. 1920
National Register of Historic Places Nomination Form 2/4/02