One-story brick Colonial Revival-influenced single-family dwelling with 8/8 double-hung wood sash, slate-shingled gable roof, projecting polygonal bays, and an exterior end chimney. The recessed front entryway has a single-leaf paneled door with a four-light transom above. Built for Mrs. Frances Clemmer Cook, whose pony stable in the rear yard was converted into a guest cottage (Jim Cook). House. Ca. 1930 (S). This two-story building located at the rear of the lot along the alley was originally a stable associated with the Clemmer House (656 Cherry Avenue). Built of weatherboarded frame construction, it has double-hung sash and a standing seam metal gable roof. The stable was converted for human occupation after 1956, when the main house on the property was constructed.
National Register of Historic Places Nomination Form 2/4/02