Two-story frame Victorian house with weatherboard siding and a metal-sheathed hip roof. The one-story front porch has classical columns and square-section balusters. Other features include a brick foundation and interior chimney, a bracketed cornice, a front entry with transom and sidelights, a one-story side bay window, 1/1 windows, and a one-story rear wing with a side screen porch. A terraced front yard steps down to Walnut. Mrs. S. Holbrook appears as the owner in the 1892 tax records, and an 1891 newspaper article mentions the B. C. Holbrook House is one of the finest in the neighborhood. B. C. Holbrook may have been Byron Holbrook, a house painter who is listed as a resident of Walnut in the 1900 census. Harry W. Watson occupied the house in 1935. (Waynesboro Times, September 11, 1891)
Chickenhouse. 1st half 20th c.
One-story frame with matchboard siding and a metal-sheathed shed roof.
National Register of Historic Places Nomination Form 2/4/02